Camellia Software Corporation   

Developers of Batch Job Server - Reliable Batch Job Scheduling for Windows Operating Systems

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Batch Job Server Pricing

Each computer or device executing BJS batch jobs is considered to be a BJS server. Test servers, remote storage system servers, development servers, backup servers, emergency servers, cloud systems, disaster recovery system servers, cloned servers, and production servers must be licensed. Anywhere the BJS service is installed is technically a BJS server. Each of these computers requires a separate BJS license.

During BJS evaluation, email support is provided at no charge. Email support is included with license purchase for 30 days from date of purchase. Contracts for Software Support are available as an annual subscription.


For a complete price list, a product brochure and an order form, download BJSINFO.ZIP. Microsoft Word is required to view and print the unzipped files. 

BJS server license types for 64-bit and 32-bit Windows Systems

Product code: BJS30A (1-4 usernames + Administrators)
$3,500 US dollars per server license
$70,000 US dollars per site license

Product code: BJS30D (5-15 usernames + Administrators)
$4,500 US dollars per server license
$90,000 US dollars per site license

Product code: BJS30U (16-30 usernames + Administrators)
$5,500 US dollars per server license
$110,000 US dollars per site license

Product code: EOQBJS Executive Object Quota Manager (31-60+ usernames)
The EOQ is not a standalone product, it is purchased in conjunction with BJS30U.
EOQ enhances BJS30U and provides additional username capability.
$6,500 US dollars per enhanced BJS30U server license
$130,000 US dollars per enhanced BJS30U site license

These licenses can be installed on a Windows NT computer (Server or Workstation), a Windows 2000 2003 2008 Vista 2012 2016 (Professional), Windows XP computer (Professional), or Windows 7 or 8 or 10. Once a license is installed, the Windows computer is considered to be a BJS server.

The number of users shown above for each license indicates the number of usernames that can be granted access on a BJS server. Access to a BJS server is controlled by the Batch Users local group. For example, for the Server Type D license, up to 15 usernames can be placed in the Batch Users local group. Usernames can be specified using a global group.

There is no limit on administrator access. In addition to the number of usernames shown above, all members of the Administrators local group are granted access to a BJS server.

The client software for Batch Job Server is included with purchase. With a Site License Batch Job Server can be used on all servers in an organization within a 25 mile radius from the central location. This does not include servers in subsidiaries or other organizations that are associated with the purchasing organization but are considered by law as separate organizations.

Software support includes technical support incidents. Support is available on an annual basis.


BJS Support Pricing
Pre-sales technical support is provided via email. Technical support is provided at no charge to licensed users for the first 30 days after the purchase date.  

If a support incident is opened, please email your failing job logs, application event log messages or other error messages. These messages will be reviewed and a reply sent back to you.

Software Support includes technical support. Software Support does not include major version upgrades, such as an upgrade from BJS v 1.x to BJS v 2.x; or from BJS v 2.x to BJS v 3.0 and beyond.

Product Code BJS30S
Product Code BJS30S Basic Support - $4,000 minimum fee, US dollars per year (12 months from purchase date) per customer or 35% of the price for all licenses, whichever is greater.

Basic Support pricing is based on BJS license list prices at the time of renewal of Software Support. Support incidents include five (5) incidents per year. Incidents are not cumulative from year to year.

BJS Redownload Fee
Your download site for purchased licenses is removed in one calendar week. $200 redownload fee must be paid for lost licenses, or requested redownloaded licenses. Redownloaded licenses do not receive the 30 days of technical support that is received with original purchase.

BJS on Virtual Systems
Wherever the BJS service is installed, a license is required. For example, if there are three virtual instances of Windows on one computer and each vitual system is running its own instance of the BJS service, then a BJS license is needed for each of the three virtual instances of Windows.

License Transfers Between Companies

Licenses may not be transferred between companies. It is not within the license agreement for Batch Job Server (BJS) software.

In order to complete a company name change for a license (in the case of a legal name change with the same legal company ownership, for example), provide this info:

1. Former licensed company name, address, telephone and email, legal proof of this change, purchase receipt for BJS.
2. Number of BJS version 3.0 server(s) needed and type (BJS A, D or U).
3. New legal company name, address, telephone and email
4. BJS sys.dat file from all BJS version 3.0 servers in use at the site.

A pricing invoice will be sent for payment, if applicable.

Effective August 1, 2018: Purchases, partial payments or other transactions through third parties or resellers are not accepted. This following statement is retained in the event of past or future inquiries regarding third party processing systems.

Resellers, VARs, and Third Party Payment Processors

Thank you for your inquiry about Batch Job Server (BJS) software. BJS is sold at the same price to all customers. There is no discount to resellers. Starting May 1, 2015, a 10% processing fee will be added to all orders through resellers, third party processors or any other entity than the company of the software license holder. Pro-rated fees apply to existing support contracts. Customers are given a minimum 30 day full evaluation before purchase decision. To resellers, all sales are final. No refunds, returns, credits or exchanges to resellers. Funds accepted via BANK WIRE only from resellers. Before a sale is finalized, the customer's name, email, address, phone number and number of servers BJS is installed on must be registered with Camellia Software's customer database. Software media and downloaded software are shipped or downloaded directly to the end user. A receipt is emailed to the reseller. Each Windows computer executing BJS batch jobs is considered to be a BJS server and requires a separate BJS license. Production, disaster recovery, test, back-up, cloned, virtual, cloud, emergency and development servers must each be licensed.

Price Reductions, Discounts and Terms and Conditions for BJS
Regarding discounts, BJS is priced the same to everyone. There are no discounts.

Our pricing model is set because of market trends, which include:

1. Court cases where the United States Federal Government has filed lawsuits against vendors who promised but did not deliver their "best pricing" and "best terms".

2. Customers want the "best price". Camellia Software's prices are publicly posted on our website, to be fair, and are the same price to everyone.

3. Resellers ask for a discount. Before August 1, 2018, we sold to resellers only as a convenience to our customers. It is the same price, as published on our website, to resellers or VARs. There was a 10% upcharge to resellers for selling through a reseller. Again, effective August 1, 2018: Purchases, partial payments or other transactions through third parties or resellers are not accepted.

4. Terms and conditions are on Camellia Software’s website, price quotes and invoices. Because we offer the same terms and conditions to everyone, (as noted in #1. and #2 above), we do not sign terms and conditions proposed by other companies or businesses.

Current pricing is posted on the Camellia Software website. We reserve the right to correct system or clerical errors. Camellia Software reserves the right to not accept communication of any kind, nor accept orders from, nor sell to those who do not conduct fair and ethical business practices, use profanity, hate speech, or discriminate or disparage any person, or creed, for any reason.